Why Do Stocks Get Halted?

Why Do Stocks Get Halted?

Trading halts can be a big deal for active investors, particularly if you are holding a stock that temporarily can’t be traded. But since trading halts are relatively rare, many traders don’t know why they happen or how they work. In this guide, we’ll explain why...
How Zero Commission Brokers Make Money

How Zero Commission Brokers Make Money

Zero-commission brokers have been in the news emphasizing the democratization of investing, pitching cost-savings for clients, and helping fuel the momentum of meme stocks. However, some of these brokers have also received criticism for the gamification of the stock...
What is a Sympathy Play in Stocks?

What is a Sympathy Play in Stocks?

Whenever a publicly traded company releases big news that drives the share price up or down, it’s common for the company’s competitors in the same industry to see significant stock price movements as well. These ‘sympathetic’ movements offer a chance for traders to...
What is Smart Order Routing?

What is Smart Order Routing?

In the world of trading, the term “route” refers to the path an order takes to get to the market. While most traditional discount brokers automatically route orders for clients, day trading brokers give clients control over their order flow. If you’re a trader using a...
What is Relative Volume in Stocks?

What is Relative Volume in Stocks?

Volume is a key metric that every trader should be aware of. While trading volume on its own is informative, relative volume is particularly important for trading. Relative volume can indicate when trading interest in a stock is high or low and it may provide signals...
How Stock Market Bubbles Work

How Stock Market Bubbles Work

Every time the stock market goes on an extended bull run, fears of a bubble begin to creep in. Stock market bubbles have the potential to wipe out enormous gains when they pop. So, it’s important for traders to be able to recognize them and to know how to trade when a...